
Welcome to Bombshell1111 and welcome to a beautiful community for Women of Color to grow spiritually, mentally, and physically in every aspect of life. I'm your sister, friend, accountability partner, and manifestation queen, Le'Keya Lee. I am so happy you're here. Snoop around the website to learn more about this space, click the button below for more information, or grab your very own manifestation journal by scrolling below. I hope you stay awhile!


This journal will help you manifest anything you want in your life.
Le’Keya Lee is a queen of manifestation, and happiness is the choice she chooses to experience every day. She provides a guide for personal vision living & manifestations.
The journal includes blank pages so that you can add pictures, magazine clippings, or drawings. You also have space for scripting, mantras, quotes, positive affirmations, and great claims. This is a great tool for vision board parties!
Designed for a perfectly sized "on the go" vision board, this journal is an excellent alternative to the traditional large board that can be only kept in one place.